It is not a secret at all that the topic of kinetic typographic has become more and more relevant in the design industry in the recent years. The juxtaposition of motion and typography bears a revival of our language, our communication and our codes which intrinsically intrigue humans.
Festivals such as the Motyf or the DEMO promote the translation of these codes and their different approaches within the framework of moving typography and motion design. They highlight works that remix, reinterpret and experiment with what our eyes are capable of seeing.
The project «type talks» started as a mere exploration of typography in motion but slowly moved towards a symbiotic project were several clients were intrigued by the movements produced by different typographic combinations. They saw an unusual and yet effective way of advertising themselves with a white canvas and black letter-driven emblems.
More than twenty typographic emblems were designed as to reimagine invitations to events, odes to love and ads with a futuristic yet Op-art-driven approach.



