Garden 2.0 is an immersive work that reflects on how we, humans, use technology and artificial intelligence to escape realities, seek meaning and retrieve results without understanding the major consequences of it. Technology has been regarded as our divinity, lust quencher and ego booster, crossing the boundaries of data privacy. This work examines how we have exploited our natural garden to create an artificial one—arguably devoid of genuine emotion, empathy, and humanity. This artificial garden we have chosen to deify is now slowly glitching and encountering technical problems as we continue to rely on it on a daily basis.

Garden 2.0 was exhibited in the framework of the “Semaine de tout les possibles” at the HEAD Genève and to the heads of the Media Design program and students of different fields.

The screening allowed students to understand the complexity of the newest technologies and its implications as well as opening a discussion around privacy, source exploitation and algorithms.

The work was technically supported by professor Douglas Edric Stanley, documented by Elsa Cuénez and its sound design was crafted by L.A-based producer Luis Eduardo Machado. Garden 2.0 was tested in multiple occasions at the “Pool Image-son” of the University.
Video duration: 3'25''
Video Measures: 5760 x 1980
Room measures: 50m2, multi-channel broadcasting
Equipment: 3 wide-angle projectors that allow brodacasting for 3 video channels, MacPro
with Madmapper.

2D/3D Motion Design: Andrés Acosta Blaschitz
Art Direction: Elsa Cuénez
Production: Cadie Desbiens-Desmeules 
Sound Design: Luis Eduardo Machado
Generative Design: Edurne Jardón
Software: Madmapper, Touchdesigner, After Effects, Ableton.